In an unusual event and with the strong measures adopted worldwide in search of an increasingly safer aviation, Russia issued statements last week that by themselves, reveal a collapse in its aeronautical industry and desperate measures in search of continuing to operate.
The Vice Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Country, Oleg Bocharov, said that the Russian Hairy must also become mechanics to learn and maintain their own planes; “We must prepare and certify Pilots as Universal soldiers”, the declarations were made within the framework of a session at the Eastern Economic Forum.
What it suggests is that they should be mechanics and pilots at the same time, which caused severe criticism from the world aeronautical community. And it is that since the invasion of Russia in Ukraine at the end of February of this year 2022, the main manufacturers of aircraft and spare parts have stopped supplying Russian operators, which has caused a destabilization in commercial air operations.
The case has also caused airlines to make massive layoffs of aeronautical technical personnel -including mechanics-, due to the financial crisis in which they are immersed.
In this sense, the official commented that a new system is being worked on – which one was not specified – to keep the different types of aircraft, mainly regional, airworthy; some planes are used to cannibalize others and it will be the same Pilots who replace these parts.
As of May 2022, the Russian Aviation Law changed, and now allows Russian airlines to use non-certified spare parts, an all the more desperate measure to stay connected by air. Of course, these measures that have been disapproved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the highest regulator of world aeronautics.
This scenario proposes a prelude to and triggering of multiple air accidents, given the conditions that, over time, will begin to be precarious and where civil and military operational safety will be called into question. It is natural to predict that many of the aeronautical regulators of each country will prohibit the entry of aircraft into their airspace due to the degraded operational safety of their aircraft and not so much due to the political conditions and sanctions imposed from the West against Russia.
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