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FAA Promotes Predictive Systems to Ensure Safety

The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that its security systems are evolving towards the use of predictive analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate consistent and quality data flows. The System Safety Management Transformation program will provide a more complete risk picture showing where accidents are most likely to occur, FAA Acting Administrator Billy Nolen said during his keynote address at the FAA's International Safety Summit. aviation. He informed that it seeks to generate a predictive analysis engine that detects possible safety events, combines them statistically and estimates the probability that a series of events will cause an accident. He noted that the foundations of this data-sharing culture already exist: the Commercial Aviation Security Team, the Joint General Aviation Security Committee, and the Aviation Exchange Information and Analysis System. These platforms are working in the United States and of course similar ones around the world. However, working with international partners to collectively harmonize our security analytics and metrics to create a portfolio of shared risks is critical to establishing a predictive security system. “Data insights alone will not take us to the next level of security. We still need a human on the circuit, as they say. And we need to continue our work on how the machine and the human interact,” Nolen said. He announced that the FAA expects to issue an advisory circular on flight route management in December which will help simulation operators and training centers improve operating procedures and training, in order to mitigate risk in the areas manual flight operations, automated systems management, pilot monitoring, and power management. He added that Kathy Abbott, the FAA's chief scientific and technical adviser on human factors in the cockpit, is leading a working group with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to see how we can promote this guidance around the world.

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